+27 (11) 706 0615 marketing@originpm.co.za


At ORIGIN we understand that building a healthcare facility is no small undertaking, due to the high standards and meticulous requirements that they command.  We have worked on a wide range of healthcare projects, to create environments that promote a sense of wellness and vitality.  We have extensive experience in project managing these specialist facilities including the building of cardiac catheterisation laboratories, major operating theatres, medical wards and emergency units.


This was a turnkey (EPC) project providing with Origin acting as EPC contract advisors and construction contract advisors.  The new medical facility comprised over 100 beds, a cardiac catheterisation laboratory, 4 major operating rooms and an emergency unit. 

Paardevlei Private Hospital 

Wits Donald Gordon Medical Centre (Reconfiguration)

Weskoppies Hospital (Refurbishment)

Medicross Clinics (nine)

Richards Bay Hospital (Building Rescue/Contract Administration)

Get in touch

Johannesburg (Head Office) Origin House
68 Wessel Road, Rivonia, 2128
Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

+27 (11) 706 0615
